Seven Tips to Be the Master of Storytelling

Jason Dookeran
7 min readNov 1, 2022
The best marketing comes in story form

Storytelling is an art; like any other skill, it takes practice to master. Whether you’re writing short stories for pleasure or crafting practical proposals and business plans, storytelling is an essential skill that can help you connect with your audience. When we communicate, we use stories to make complex topics more approachable. Even if you aren’t a highly creative person, there are many ways you can use storytelling in your everyday life, from explaining a difficult concept to helping a friend deal with rejection or inspiring others to reach for their dreams. Storytelling has the power to inspire anyone and everyone. Here are seven expert tips from the world of storytelling so that you never lose sight of why it’s so essential in all your communication endeavors.

Tell Your Story Backward

Dressing backward is completely optional, however

This is the most obvious storytelling tip but also one that is often missed by writers. If you’re telling a story from the beginning to the end, why not start there? What happens before the story begins, and how does it end? This can be an effective storytelling technique for any writing but is especially useful for non-fiction. In business writing, the story is often…



Jason Dookeran

Freelance author, ghostwriter, and crypto/blockchain enthusiast. I write about personal finance, emerging technology and freelancing