Get Ahead of the Curve: A Comprehensive Website Auditing Checklist to Boost Your SEO

Jason Dookeran
5 min readFeb 22, 2023


Everything on a website works together to build SEO

Are you looking for ways to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs)? If so, a comprehensive website auditing checklist can help you get ahead of the competition and boost your website’s visibility.

In this blog, I’ll cover the basics of website auditing, why it’s essential, and how to create a comprehensive website auditing checklist to ensure your website is optimized for SEO. I’ll also discuss strategies to increase your website’s visibility and the benefits of website auditing.

Introduction to Website Auditing

A stock audit and an SEO audit perform similar functions

Website auditing is analyzing and evaluating a website’s technical aspects to identify areas for improvement. Audits are typically performed by SEO professionals who examine a website’s content, structure, and performance to ensure it is optimized for SEO.

When done correctly, website auditing can help improve a website’s visibility in the SERPs and increase its ranking. It can also help identify any issues affecting the website’s performance and provide insight into how to improve it.

Why Do an On-Page SEO Audit?

SEO should not have you looking THIS confused

An on-page SEO audit is essential to website auditing because it provides a detailed analysis of a website’s content and structure. It can help identify any issues affecting a website’s visibility in the SERPs and provide insight into how to fix them.

This audit can also help identify any technical issues affecting a website’s performance and provide insight into how to fix them. This includes things like broken links, missing images, duplicate content, and more.

Additionally, an on-page SEO audit can help identify any potential opportunities to improve a website’s content and structure to boost its visibility in the SERPs. This includes optimizing titles, descriptions, and headings and ensuring that content is written using the appropriate keywords.

Elements of a Website Audit

Each block has their importance

A comprehensive website audit should include on-page SEO, technical, and content audits.

An on-page SEO audit analyzes a website’s content and structure to ensure it is optimized for SEO. This includes things like optimizing titles, descriptions, and headings and ensuring that content is written using the appropriate keywords.

A technical audit is the process of analyzing a website’s technical aspects to identify any issues that may be affecting its performance. This includes things like broken links, missing images, duplicate content, and more.

A content audit analyzes a website’s content to identify potential opportunities to improve its visibility in the SERPs. This includes creating more content, optimizing existing content, and optimizing long-tail keywords.

Comprehensive Website Auditing Checklist

Creating a comprehensive website auditing checklist can be a great place to start if you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s SEO. Here are some critical elements of a website auditing checklist:

  1. Analyze page titles
  2. Check your page descriptions
  3. Look at your headings
  4. Content analysis
  5. Explore your images
  6. Check and verify internal links
  7. Do the same for external links
  8. Check your page load speed
  9. Take a look at your website structure
  10. Delve into your website security

Analyzing Your Website’s Performance

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are vital to your success

Once you’ve created a comprehensive website auditing checklist, it’s time to analyze your website’s performance. This involves evaluating the above elements and looking for potential issues affecting your website’s visibility in the SERPs.

If you find any issues, address them as soon as possible. This could involve changing your website’s content and structure, optimizing images, or improving page speed.

Optimizing Your Website’s Content

Your blog is a crucial part of your SEO and marketing

Once you’ve identified any potential issues with your website’s performance, it’s time to start optimizing your content for SEO. This involves creating more content, optimizing existing content, and optimizing for long-tail keywords.

Creating more content is a great way to boost your website’s visibility in the SERPs. Create content relevant to your target audience and optimized for SEO.

Optimizing existing content is also essential for improving your website’s visibility. This involves ensuring your titles, descriptions, and headings are optimized for SEO and that your content is written using the appropriate keywords.

Finally, optimizing for long-tail keywords can help you target specific audiences and increase your website’s visibility in the SERPs. Use a keyword research tool to identify the best long-tail keywords to target.

Strategies to Increase Your Website’s Visibility

How do you make your website stand out?

Once you’ve optimized your website’s content, it’s time to start looking for ways to increase your website’s visibility in the SERPs. Here are some strategies you can use:

  • Publish content regularly: Publishing content regularly is a great way to boost your website’s visibility in the SERPs. Create content relevant to your target audience and optimized for SEO.
  • Promote your content: Once you’ve created content, promote it on social media and other channels to increase its visibility.
  • Engage with influencers: Engaging with influencers is a great way to increase your website’s visibility in the SERPs. Reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to share your content.
  • Build backlinks: Building backlinks is a great way to increase your website’s visibility in the SERPs. Reach out to other websites and ask them to link to your content.

The Benefits of Website Auditing

Website auditing is an integral part of SEO because it helps identify potential issues affecting a website’s visibility in the SERPs and provides insight into how to fix them. It can also help identify any potential opportunities to improve a website’s content and structure to boost its visibility in the SERPs.

The benefits of website auditing include the following:

  • Better visibility in the SERPs
  • Increased website ranking
  • More website traffic
  • Improved website performance
  • Higher quality of user experience

Where to Go From Here?

Where do you go after your first audit?

Creating a comprehensive website auditing checklist can help you stay ahead of the competition and ensure your website is optimized for SEO. Make sure to analyze your website’s performance, optimize your website’s content, and utilize strategies to increase your website’s visibility in the SERPs.

Hi, I’m Jason, and I’ve been an SEO specialist for several years. Some of the clients I’ve helped are on the Fortune 500 list. If you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s SEO, let me do an SEO website audit for you. Let’s get your page ranked!



Jason Dookeran

Freelance author, ghostwriter, and crypto/blockchain enthusiast. I write about personal finance, emerging technology and freelancing